Bowen Practitioner

Michael Bunnett

 Registered Massage Therapist(RMT)


What does Massage Therapy help with?
Massage Therapy can help with people of all ages, all levels of physical activity whether it is sports or work, and different history of accidents and injuries Massage can help with, but not limited to
  • inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and tendonitis
  • sciatica
  • back pain
  • relieving stress and associated conditions
  • circulatory problems
  • Frozen shoulder
  • aches and pains, acute or chronic
  • Fibromyalgia
  • headaches and migraines 
  • strains, sprains and spasms
  • repetative strain injuries
  • plantar fasciitis 
  • TMJ (jaw) pain and dysfunctions
  • pregnancy and it's affects on the body
  • improving range of motion and flexibility
  • decreasing local inflammation
What can I expect at my first massage?
Your first massage starts by filling out a Health History form. This is a legal, confidential document that helps the therapist get an understanding of issues you may be experiencing and can make a custom treatment plan from that information. Next, the therapist will ask questions about your goals and preform a physical assessment; it may be testing range of motion in a joint, checking for postural issues, flexability, feeling the tension in muscles or a special test. After having a good understanding of your situation, the therapist will give instructions on removing clothes, how to lay on the table, how the sheets will be draped for your privacy and security. You will be given privacy while undressing before the massage begins and after when the session is completed. You should have peace of mind that any and all questions will be answered. At any time during the massage you have the option to stop or modify the treatment.

Do I have to be undressed during the massage?

No, you should be comfortable. It is imperative that you know that our office is a safe space, you should dress to your comfort level. There are several techniques that work better with lotion applied to the skin, but the massage can modified to work over clothing. If you prefer to wear clothes, I suggest that you wear loose shorts and a muscle shirt or sports bra. RAPID and Bowen therapy are both great options for those who do not want to undress. 

Does what I say during treatment and personal information stay confidential?
Confidentiality is an important component of therapy. What you discuss in a session will not be shared with anyone else unless you say anything incriminating or that endangers yourself or another person. By law, your information will not released without your written consent or unless it is needed by medical professionals in an emergency. 

How often should I get a massage?

The answer is dependent on your wants or needs. If you have a severe condition or recently in a major accident you may need as many as 2 or 3 massages as needed per week. Sometimes massage is done once or twice a year as needed, dictated by their symptoms. Some people however, like to get a massage once a month as maintenance to stay limber and pain free. The choice of frequency is always up to you.

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